Hi everyone, Leonie here from Wealthology, and today I wanted to talk to you about surrounding yourself with winners.

Now, that might sound a little bit funny, but let me ask you, are you surrounding yourself with inspirational people? People who encourage and support you, people who elevate your thinking, your performance?

Now, Jim Rohn once said, “We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.” So think about who those five people are in your world right now. Is it your boss? Is it maybe one of your colleagues that you’re with a lot of the time? Is it your partner, perhaps? Maybe it’s your mum and dad. Have a think about who you are spending time with, because when it comes to relationships, we are greatly influenced, whether we like it or not, by those people who are close to us, that we spend a lot of time with.

And if you’re not spending time with the right kind of people, perhaps they’re dragging you down, not supporting your dreams, your goals. Are you jeopardizing your success, you know? There’s a lot at risk, and if someone’s bringing you down, you simply have to reduce their involvement in your life. Not doing so may alter your ultimate success. And no, I’m not telling you, get rid of, you know, friends and family, people who have been with you for your whole entire life, but what I am saying is be very conscious about the amount of time you are spending with people who may not be supporting what you’re trying to achieve.