Leonie Fitzgerald

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About Leonie Fitzgerald

Our unique personal touch has our clients achieve great financial security by being supported on their journey. Allow us to share our expertise and knowledge with you to help you achieve your own financial and lifestyle goals.
21 01, 2018

How To Optimise Your Mindset For Success | Let Go

By |2022-09-08T02:50:45+00:00January 21st, 2018|Categories: Mindset, Personal Development|Comments Off on How To Optimise Your Mindset For Success | Let Go

Your current wealth mindset has helped you to get where you are now… but if you want to go further to achieve financial security, you may need some help to get there. This is a common issue for people who know they need to secure their financial future, but haven’t had much success in actually doing it. You might need to ‘hack’ your mindset and update your old programming so you [...]

17 01, 2018

Tenancy Application For A Pet | Know Your Rights As A Landlord

By |2022-09-08T02:49:48+00:00January 17th, 2018|Categories: Investment property, Rental property, Tenants|Comments Off on Tenancy Application For A Pet | Know Your Rights As A Landlord

What are my rights, as a Landlord, if I receive a tenancy application with a pet? When it comes to leasing a property you own, knowing the landlord rights about allowing or refusing pets can play a huge factor in the level of enquiry your property will receive. In Queensland, a landlord has the right to accept or refuse pets at their property. However, if you own a unit or townhouse, many body corporate [...]

8 01, 2018

10 Great Habits Of The Super Successful

By |2022-09-08T02:48:48+00:00January 8th, 2018|Categories: Creative, Focus, Goals, Positive Change|Comments Off on 10 Great Habits Of The Super Successful

It’s the time of year where people are thinking about all they’ve achieved (or not achieved) and planning for what they would like to accomplish in the coming year. Everyone’s talking about New Year resolutions and setting goals but we don’t necessarily agree with those. We’re big believers in if you get your habits right, the rest falls in to place along with a little planning and setting some intentions. [...]

2 01, 2018

3 Surprising Ways To Transform Your Financial Well Being With Ease

By |2022-09-08T02:46:33+00:00January 2nd, 2018|Categories: Money control, Organise your spending, Positive Change, Smart money|Comments Off on 3 Surprising Ways To Transform Your Financial Well Being With Ease

Do you lose sleep over your dismal financial situation?  Are you fighting with your partner about money? How To Create Your Desired Financial Situation In 3 Simple Ways: Stop Spending More Than You Earn. Simple I know this sounds a tad ridiculous but you would be surprised at how many people we meet that can’t manage this very simple money principle. In the book ‘Richest Man in Babylon’ George S [...]

25 12, 2017

Effortless Magazine Article | How To Master Your Personal and Financial Success

By |2022-09-08T02:52:03+00:00December 25th, 2017|Categories: Goals, Positive Change|Comments Off on Effortless Magazine Article | How To Master Your Personal and Financial Success

The sad reality is the majority of us are drastically under prepared when it comes time to retire, particularly women: - Approx. 70% of Australians aged 65 or over currently live on a gross weekly income of less than $300.* - Approx. average retiring income $16,000* p.a. - $1,000,000* approx. amount required to retire comfortably for 2 decades. Most of us at retirement age have less than a third of [...]

18 12, 2017

How You Can Make A Difference By Paying It Forward

By |2022-09-08T04:45:58+00:00December 18th, 2017|Categories: Finance, Goals, Helping Others, Investment, Money control|Comments Off on How You Can Make A Difference By Paying It Forward

I will be forever grateful to my Dad for introducing me to the world of property when I was just 18yrs old. I don’t think he quite realised at the time what an extremely powerful opportunity he was presenting which has allowed me to go on and create a much better financial future for myself than he could have imagined at the time. I guess you could say my Dad [...]

11 12, 2017

8 Personal Wealth Tips From The Richest Men In Babylon

By |2022-09-08T04:31:30+00:00December 11th, 2017|Categories: Community, Helping Others, Investment, Money control, Positive Change|Comments Off on 8 Personal Wealth Tips From The Richest Men In Babylon

https://youtu.be/F4SnaoIg0cw So, understand the simple rules of acquisition. Has anyone seen or read this book? The Richest Man in Babylon. This is a bit of a parable. It tells us how we can create more money, keep our money and grow our money. You might have to move fast for this one. Save 10% at least. Control spending. Necessary expenses will always grow to your income, right? Who's [...]

4 12, 2017

How It All Began

By |2022-09-08T04:32:24+00:00December 4th, 2017|Categories: Finance, Focus, Goals, Helping Others, Investment, Money control, Positive Change, Smart money|Comments Off on How It All Began

The year was 1993, I was 18 years old and Dad helped me purchase an investment property with some friends after I’d received an insurance payout from a car accident I was involved in when I was just 11. A few years later, I began a 10 year stint in London and Mum’s worst nightmare come true.  I fell in love with an Englishman!  After purchasing an old house we [...]

27 11, 2017

Why Investing In Property Works

By |2022-09-08T04:34:04+00:00November 27th, 2017|Categories: Finance, Focus, Goals, Investment, Money control, Positive Change|Comments Off on Why Investing In Property Works

According to RP Data and the Census Data from 2011 only 7.9% of Australians own an investment property, even though property is a national past-time. And only 0.068% own six or more investment properties. A lot of people are overwhelmed by the process and quit before they even begin but it doesn’t have to be hard. The reality is that investing in property is relatively straightforward when you work with [...]

22 11, 2017

The 3 Pillars of Wealth Success

By |2022-09-08T04:35:01+00:00November 22nd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on The 3 Pillars of Wealth Success

Building wealth can be challenging for some, particularly if you don’t have the right tools. Putting time in to your own development to grow will allow you to achieve higher levels of success. If you do these 3 things you will experience a level of growth you’ve never experience before. THE 3 PILLARS OF WEALTH SUCCESS ⇛ MINDSET The greatest asset you will develop is your mindset but what is [...]

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