Your current wealth mindset has helped you to get where you are right now… but if you want to go further to achieve financial security, you may need some help to get there.

This is a common issue for people who know they need to secure their financial future but haven’t had much success in actually doing it.

You might need to ‘hack’ your mindset and update your old programming, so you can think more like the ‘rich’.

Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you are right”.

Mastering your mindset is potentially the most powerful tool you have in your toolbox and only when we have upgraded our thinking and our habits can we expect different results in our life.

No matter where you are on your financial journey you need to know it is possible to turn your financial life around.

Poor Money Consciousness

Many of us go through life with a poor money consciousness.  We think about the lack of money more than we think about the abundance of money.  We have been brought up to believe certain things about money which in turn holds us back from receiving more money in our lives.

We’re sure you’re familiar with the terms ‘The rich get richer and the poor get poorer’, ‘Another day, another dollar’, Money is the root of all evil’, ‘You must work hard for money’ …

These types of beliefs have been ingrained in to our subconscious minds over time and actually prevent us from having the money we deserve in life. Simply expand your money consciousness which will then change your beliefs about money which will in turn bring more of it in to your life.  Yay!

Do You Ever Wonder How People Get To Be Wealthy?

Wealth is a by-product of our mindset.

While some people have the privilege of attaining wealth through inheritance, most others generally make it through effort and smart strategies. Changing our thoughts, then our behaviourand finally our actionsresult in a different outcome.

We always ask people what they want to achieve as there needs to be alignment between their intentions (or goals) and what needs to be  done to achieve them.

Leonie will be forever grateful to her Dad for introducing her to the world of property when she was just 18yrs old. He probably didn’t quite realise at the time what an extremely powerful opportunity he was presenting which has allowed her to go on and create a much better financial future for herself than he could have imagined at the time.

We guess you could say her Dad paid it forward to her and now she loves helping our clients be able to pay it forward to those they care about.

Most Start With Nothing But A Desire To Grow Wealth

We’re big fans of the book The Richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason. Countless readers have been helped by the famous Babylonian parable, hailed as the greatest of all inspirational works on the subject of thrift, financial planning, and personal wealth.  And we love it.

It certainly is a must read for you if you’re wanting to change your current financial position as it offers an understanding of – and solution to – your personal financial challenges that will guide you through a lifetime.

Babylon became the wealthiest city of the ancient world because its citizens were the richest people of their time. They appreciated the value of money. They practised sound financial principles in acquiring money, keeping money and making their money earn more money. They provided for themselves what we all desire… incomes for the future.

The Babylonians were incredible switched on when it came to money. Unfortunately, today, few people know how to acquire wealth as most people lack the knowledge of how to keep any part of income earned.

Without wisdom your money is quickly lost by those who have it. But with wisdom wealth can be secured by those who don’t currently have it. Read the blog.

The Law Of Averages

Jim Rohn says ‘We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with’.

This relates to the law of averages, which is the theory that the result of any given situation will be the average of all outcomes.

When it comes to relationships, we are greatly influenced (whether we like it or not) by those closest to us – it affects our way of thinking, our self-esteem, and our decisions. It’s common for those building wealth to underestimate the importance of the company they keep.

Are you surrounding yourself with inspirational people, people who encourage and support you, people who elevate your thinking, your performance?

“Don’t let anyone rent space in your head unless they’re a good tenant”.

Make Self-Education A Priority

Taking the time to work on your own development can be incredibly challenging. However, it is the only way to embrace change and manage the challenges that may come from investing, and life in general.  Whether it is attending educational events, reading books, working with a mentor or coach, or just self-inquiry, intention about your own growth and path will help you on your journey.

“Formal education will get you a job, self-education will make you wealthy…”

What Can You Do To Get Ahead?

  1. Attend the Money Mindset Mastery Event in November| Join Leonie at her upcoming Money Mindset Mastery event to discover what you can do to create an immediate impacton your current financial situation. Find out more Here.
  2. Read More| Discover how to transform your money and mindset in some of our favourite blogs: