Leonie Fitzgerald

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About Leonie Fitzgerald

Our unique personal touch has our clients achieve great financial security by being supported on their journey. Allow us to share our expertise and knowledge with you to help you achieve your own financial and lifestyle goals.
26 03, 2018

How Changes To Depreciation Affects Property Investors

By |2022-09-08T02:31:57+00:00March 26th, 2018|Categories: Investment property, Tax|Comments Off on How Changes To Depreciation Affects Property Investors

Say Goodbye To Two More Tax Deductions  Income tax deductions for the decline in value (depreciation) of previously used plant and equipment in rental premises used for residential accommodation are no longer allowed. From July 1, 2017, the Government has limited plant and equipment depreciation deductions to outlays actually incurred by investors in residential real estate properties. Plant and equipment items are usually mechanical fixtures or those which can be [...]

18 03, 2018

What Did Leonie Reveal To The Daily Mail About Money And Happiness?

By |2022-09-08T02:32:58+00:00March 18th, 2018|Categories: Goals, News|Comments Off on What Did Leonie Reveal To The Daily Mail About Money And Happiness?

Leonie was recently interviewed by the Daily Mail in regards to a recent study which was conducted about the ‘magical’ sum which is required to be happy. According to the study money may not always buy you happiness but if you are earning the optimal amount it might bring you a lot closer to it. Leonie told the journalist that she and her husband are focused on building a comfortable [...]

12 03, 2018

Top 3 Expert Tips For Women To Feel Empowered When Purchasing Property

By |2022-09-08T02:37:42+00:00March 12th, 2018|Categories: Goals, Helping Others|Comments Off on Top 3 Expert Tips For Women To Feel Empowered When Purchasing Property

Here at Wealthology we love to empower everyday women (and their men) to succeed financially by investing in property smarter. Leonie purchased her first property aged 18 and has brought a few more since then, both with partners and without. She has chosen to work with a number of coaches and mentors within not only the property industry but also the self-development industry to help her achieve a better financial [...]

5 03, 2018

How To Spot Investment Opportunities in Real Estate

By |2022-09-08T02:39:02+00:00March 5th, 2018|Categories: Investment property, Rental property|Comments Off on How To Spot Investment Opportunities in Real Estate

According to RP Data and the Census Data from 2011 only 7.9% of Australians own an investment property, even though property is a national past-time. And only 0.068% own six or more investment properties. A lot of people are overwhelmed by the process and quit before they even begin but it doesn’t have to be hard. The reality is that investing in property is relatively straightforward when you work with [...]

26 02, 2018

Why Wealth Is A Byproduct From Our Mindset

By |2022-09-08T02:40:47+00:00February 26th, 2018|Categories: Mindset, Money control, Positive Change|Comments Off on Why Wealth Is A Byproduct From Our Mindset

If you are born poor it's not your mistake, if you die poor it's your mistake – Bill Gates Wealth is a by-product of our mindset. While many individuals have the privilege of attaining wealth through inheritance, most others generally make it through efforts and smart strategies. Quite often it is perceived in terms of dollar value. However, wealth as such is considered to be of possessing material items that [...]

19 02, 2018

How To Master The Mindset Of Wealth | The Fundamental Element To Success

By |2022-09-08T02:41:51+00:00February 19th, 2018|Categories: Mindset, Personal Development, Positive Change|Comments Off on How To Master The Mindset Of Wealth | The Fundamental Element To Success

According to the latest brain research, our ability to manage our thoughts, emotions and behaviours is a learned ability that anyone can master. Our success in no longer determined by our current results, circumstance or even genetics which means we have the ability to shape our results by learning how to retrain our own brains deliberately. Powerful stuff! 3 Simple Ways To Master Your Mindset Mastering your mindset is potentially [...]

12 02, 2018

Old v New – What The ‘Tax’ Is The Difference?

By |2022-09-08T02:42:38+00:00February 12th, 2018|Categories: Investment property, Tax|Comments Off on Old v New – What The ‘Tax’ Is The Difference?

When it comes to purchasing an investment property, there is few things more divisive than the argument of buying established or building new. You may resonate with some of the reasons investors choose old or new properties below - But what does the tax man say? Is there a difference in the tax treatment of old and new properties for tax purposes? Depreciation Changes (Div 40) [...]

4 02, 2018

3 Tactics To Help You Create Financial Security

By |2022-09-08T02:43:28+00:00February 4th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on 3 Tactics To Help You Create Financial Security

According to the latest brain research, our ability to manage our thoughts, emotions and behaviours is a learned ability that anyone can master.  Our success in no longer determined by our current results, circumstance or even genetics which means we have the ability to shape our results by learning how to retrain our own brains deliberately.  Powerful stuff! Mind Mapping There are two hemispheres to the brain: the left brain [...]

28 01, 2018

5 Essential Tips For A Smooth Investment Property Transaction

By |2022-09-08T02:44:51+00:00January 28th, 2018|Categories: Focus, Investment property, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 Essential Tips For A Smooth Investment Property Transaction

Jesse Mason, Conveyancing Manager at Rouse Lawyers shares his 5 essential tips to ensure a smooth transaction when purchasing a property for investment. "Second only to purchasing your own home, buying an investment property may be one of the most significant financial decisions you will ever make." Once you’ve taken the leap and decided on an investment property, here are 5 things you can do to make sure the purchase [...]

22 01, 2018

Top Tips For Landlords: How To Successfully Rent Your Investment Property

By |2022-09-08T04:55:25+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Categories: Investment property, Rental property, Tenants|Comments Off on Top Tips For Landlords: How To Successfully Rent Your Investment Property

When you go to rent your house, its success will rely heavily on your rental strategy. As property investors, we want to ensure that our property is leased efficiently and for the highest possible return. Good tenants are a precious commodity, they pay their rent on time, they treat the property as if it were their own home and they stay for a longer period of time. Helping us uncover the [...]

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