Your current wealth mindset has helped you to get where you are now… but if you want to go further to achieve financial security, you may need some help to get there. This is a common issue for people who know they need to secure their financial future, but haven’t had much success in actually doing it.

You might need to ‘hack’ your mindset and update your old programming so you can think more like the ‘rich’.

Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you are right”.

Mastering your mindset is potentially the most powerful tool you have in your toolbox and only when we have upgraded our thinking and our habits can we expect different results in our lives.

A simple way to change a negative mindset is to ask yourself an empowering, solution-orientated question. “What would I do if I couldn’t fail” is a common one. It will change your focus as your emotions will respond with confidence as your mind will picture what you would actually do.

With this simple question, you can alter your state of mind, your focus and your direction – changing your mindset from one of negativity to one of empowerment.

“Optimise your mindset for success by overcoming limitations. Give yourself the freedom to succeed.”

1.      Let Go of Fear

What’s your current psychology around your own desire to build wealth?  Are you scared people will judge you, come and steal from you, be jealous?

Fear is a natural part of being human and the number one reason most people don’t do things.  Fear is a learned belief and you must ask yourself “is it serving me?”.  And if it’s not, you need to find a way to work through that.

Letting go of fear does not mean that we are not vulnerable or fearful but rather means that we are aware of our feelings and fear, and we do it anyway.

Accept fear is a part of life but don’t let it stop you from doing anything.  Do not try to block the fear, or judge yourself for having fear but rather let it teach you more about yourself, allow you to grow as a person and be open to the possibility of moving past it.

2.    Let Go of Your Stories

What has been your story around money?  Do you believe you must work hard for money?  Do you need to have money to feel safe and have security?  Does having money make you feel more accepted and respected? Perhaps you believe that because you don’t come from a rich family you’ll never have the money you desire.

Our stories are how we would describe our life to someone else and often the stories we create for ourselves keep us entrenched so that we keep reliving the same scenarios over and over, throughout our lives.  They are what we believe our reality to be and are therefore the lens through which we live our existence.


Want to get an understanding of your story?  Write about your life, like you were telling it to someone who was writing your biography.  What happened when you were little, became a teenager, went on your first date, were you ever a victim, what events changed your life, do you work hard for your money?

Now take a break and come back and read it an hour later, out loud to yourself.  Note whether you were hard done by in life, whether you were taken advantage of, did you feel powerless, are you negative or optimistic about life?

Remember, it is only your perspective – even though it may seem like reality, it is really just the way you choose to feel in each scenario.  If you continue believing this is how your life works, you are going to keep living that existence because you create what you believe.  If you believe you are destined to be broke, you will be; if you believe you will never have enough, you never will.

The exciting news is that you can completely change your story.  The choice is yours so let go of your old story and start writing a new one, putting in as much detail as you can.  Before you go to sleep at tonight, spend some time imagining yourself in your new story.  But remember to not only think it, feel it – become excited, feel happy and free.  The more effort you put in to living your new story, the faster it will manifest.

3.     Let Go of Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are those which constrain us in some way and shape everything that we do.  They have probably prevented you from seeing opportunities and perhaps even discouraged you from trying at all.  Anything you say to yourself to justify why it isn’t working out for you is a limiting belief.

If you’re having trouble with your finances maybe you explain it with something like “You have to work hard for money”, “I’m not smart enough to be rich” or “I don’t come from a wealthy family”.

How do you unearth and eliminate limiting beliefs?:

Step 1: Write the limiting belief down.

Step 2: Acknowledge that these are beliefs, not truths!

Step 3: Try on a different belief.

Step 4: Now to Let Go

Take different action.

“We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. Look back in your own life and notice how often you have gone through the same experience.” Louise L. Hay

Discover more great tips and ways in which you can optimise your mindset for success in our new E-book.