Recently I attended a Business Mastermind event and the theme was RESILIENCE.  

You may know of it… it’s certainly something I have come to know well over the last few years. A triplet pregnancy, newborns, toddlers, marriage, property investing, business, 2022… 🙂 

In this blog we will be exploring resilience and how it influences success in property investment. 

What is Resilience? 

Resilience is the ability to adapt to change, learn from mistakes and bounce back after failure. It’s the ability to be flexible and adaptable to new situations. 

Resilient people are open-minded, they take calculated risks, they can recover from setbacks quickly and they don’t let their emotions cloud their judgement.  

That last one is key as a property investor and often one of the most challenging ones to conquer.  

Resilient people have a positive attitude towards life; they look for opportunities instead of problems.  

They are optimistic about the future even when things go wrong at times.  

They believe that there is always a solution or alternative if you work hard enough at finding it. 

Resilience has a HUGE Impact on the Success of your Property Investment Portfolio 

Resilience is a must-have skill for any property investor to be successful. It’s the ability to bounce back from challenges and adversity, which can come in many forms. 

Resilience isn’t just about dealing with difficulties; it also helps you achieve your goals and objectives, and helps you maintain a healthy outlook on life. 

Here are some ways that resilience can help you succeed as a property investor: 

  • Resilient people tend to be more positive about their situation than people who lack resilience; this means they’re able to stay motivated during difficult times or when things aren’t going well. In this way, resilience can help you remain positive throughout the ups and downs of investing in real estate – even when things aren’t going according to plan! 
  • Resilient people have higher levels of self-esteem than those who lack resilience, which gives them more confidence in themselves and their abilities as an investor – and more confidence often leads directly into success! 

The qualities of resilience have been proven to have a significant impact on success in property investment. It is important because it helps you overcome obstacles that come your way.  

 7 integral and interrelated components that make up resilience: 

  • Competence 
  • Confidence 
  • Connection 
  • Character 
  • Contribution 
  • Coping 
  • Control (within) 

 The top 5 skills of a resilient person: 

  • Self-awareness 
  • Mindfulness 
  • Self-care 
  • Positive relationships 
  • Purpose 

Resilience Wins  

On a more personal note, at the Business Mastermind event I was honored to receive 2 awards: 

– Growing Business by 700% Profit award 

– Unstoppable – Never Give Up, Positive & Persistent award 

So you see, resilience really is key – particularly in trying times.  

This was all achieved as a mother to 3x one-year old girls with a husband who works full time.  

I certainly was challenged, there were times where pure grit got me through and resilience became my best friend. I am grateful because what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger, right?! 

Tools to Help 

I know many of us will be thinking about the new year, what we would like to achieve and what it’s going to take to hit those goals – so I’ve listed 5 of our most popular blogs around this topic: 

How to Optimise Your Mindset For Success | Let Go 

 10 Great Habits of the Super Successful 

 The 3 Pillars of Wealth Success 

 Man Wait Long Time for Roast Duck to Fly In 

 The Magical Formula for Achieving Your Desired Results 

Happy New Year to you!