Financial freedom

Home/Financial freedom
1 02, 2023

Is 2023 the last chance you’ll ever have to buy a property in Australia?

By |2023-02-01T01:34:36+00:00February 1st, 2023|Categories: Blog, Budget, Community, Financial freedom, Goals, Helping Others, Housing Market, Money, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Is 2023 the last chance you’ll ever have to buy a property in Australia?

Well, I certainly didn’t mince my words in the title, but for good reason. It’s the $9.5 billion question on property owners’ lips around Australia… What will happen to property prices in 2023 and beyond? If you’re not in the market after 2023, you may never be. It’s no secret that Australia’s in the midst of a raging debate on housing affordability and how the average family can afford to [...]

11 01, 2023

How To Plan for A Comfortable Retirement in Property

By |2023-02-05T23:51:06+00:00January 11th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Budget, Financial freedom, Focus, Goals, Helping Others, Money, Tax|Comments Off on How To Plan for A Comfortable Retirement in Property

In the past decade, property investment has become an increasingly popular choice to build a secure future. As a result, it’s not uncommon for people to retire with properties as part of their personal portfolio.  Whether you are planning to retire soon or are already retired, this blog I will help you prepare for a comfortable retirement in property by showing you how we can help make it happen: Retirement may mean different [...]

6 10, 2022

Traits of a Successful Property Investor

By |2022-10-06T05:04:53+00:00October 6th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Financial freedom, Goals, Helping Others, Housing Market, Investment, Investment property, Marketing, Mindset, Money, Personal Development, Smart money|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Traits of a Successful Property Investor

Are you interested in the possibility of not only success but creating financial wellbeing and achieving the ever-elusive happiness? Would you like breakthroughs, not mere insights or improvements, but lasting results that expand and unfold over time. What does it take to be a successful property investor? And a savvy one at that? The answer is simple: there are certain traits that every successful property investor possesses. If you want to be successful in [...]

2 06, 2022

Are Australians Financially Illiterate?

By |2022-08-02T06:37:41+00:00June 2nd, 2022|Categories: Financial freedom, Goals, Helping Others, Mindset, Smart money|Tags: , |Comments Off on Are Australians Financially Illiterate?

With Australia’s most significant student assessment now behind us, it got me thinking… are we teaching our kids enough about money management and, as a whole, are Australians lacking financial education? I started investing in property in 1993 when I was only 18. At that time, I had no idea what I was doing, and I’m not ashamed to say I got lucky. But more importantly, during the process of buying my [...]

24 10, 2019

Financial Health Checks

By |2022-09-08T00:01:32+00:00October 24th, 2019|Categories: Finance, Financial freedom, Money, Money control, Uncategorized, Videos|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Financial Health Checks Hi everyone, Leonie here at Wealthology and today I wanted to talk to you about the benefits of having an annual financial health check. You will find often that throughout the year your financial situation may change, interest rates may go up, you may have received an increase in your salary, which is always exciting, you may have taken out another credit card, or perhaps taken on a car [...]

24 10, 2019

Surround Yourself With Winners

By |2022-09-08T00:13:13+00:00October 24th, 2019|Categories: Finance, Financial freedom, Focus, Mindset, Personal Development, Positive Change, Videos|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Surround Yourself With Winners Hi everyone, Leonie here from Wealthology, and today I wanted to talk to you about surrounding yourself with winners. Now, that might sound a little bit funny, but let me ask you, are you surrounding yourself with inspirational people? People who encourage and support you, people who elevate your thinking, your performance? Now, Jim Rohn once said, "We are the average of the five people we spend the most [...]

22 11, 2018

What Statistics Say About Financial Success

By |2022-09-08T02:21:07+00:00November 22nd, 2018|Categories: Financial freedom, Money|Comments Off on What Statistics Say About Financial Success

Most start with nothing but a desire to grow wealth. Some start with nothing and become millionaires but most plod along in life, hoping for the best but end up with very little, surviving on the pension. Do you ever wonder how people get to be wealthy? How can they afford to drive around in the latest BMW, or build an extension on their home or be in a position [...]

2 08, 2018

Discover The 5 Steps To Financial Freedom

By |2022-09-08T02:07:29+00:00August 2nd, 2018|Categories: Financial freedom, Goals|Comments Off on Discover The 5 Steps To Financial Freedom

Financial freedom will mean different things to different people. You need to know where you want to go and what you want to be, so it is important that you are consciously aware of the endless possibilities and keep your heart and mind open to receive them. Your financial freedom is probably different to the next person’s as you will want different things. One of our clients has the dream [...]

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