The Dalai Lama, one of the world’s great spiritual leaders often talks about how to overcome everyday human problems and achieve lasting happiness.

Having time off over the silly season to relax we found ourselves reflecting on this and looking back on the past 12 months. Was there enough happiness during our days? Were we doing things in life that brings us joy?

“Let your success be measured by how much fun you’re having.”

Late last year Leonie attended an event hosted by Kerwin Rae, her business mentor and she got to spend some time with one of the incredible speakers over the weekend. You may have heard of him…

Sebastian Terry travels the world in an attempt to tick off all 100 items from his bucket-list. 100 THINGS follows his journey, one that encourages people to follow their dreams.

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To help you with planning, I’m a big fan of the Dailygreatness Journals – they move you from wishing to achieving. Transform Your Habits, Achieve Your Goals, Improve Your Life.

By clicking HERE you will receive 5% discount AND they often have special offers.

Their view is as someone who is working on building a better life for themselves, we face many challenges. For some, the most difficult part is learning how to focus and what exactly to focus on.

Another challenge is organization. With so many things to do, so little time and often limited cashflow and resources, how do we do all the things we’d like to achieve in life?

Also, what we achieve in life is in direct proportion to our personal growth. It is essential that we commit to knowing ourselves and spend time growing ourselves.

And finally – finances. The challenge of learning how to make money, manage our money and grow our money is often an outcome of having managed the first three areas well.

It’s been said there’s no such thing as time management because in reality, we can’t manage time. We can only manage ourselves in time. Therefore, it’s important to understand the four core principles and how they relate to time.

Four Core Principles
  • Focus | How we use our time
  • Organisation | How we plan our time
  • Personal growth | How we manage our thoughts and emotions in time
  • Finances | How we manage our money so we can spend more time doing what we love
Discover the process we use to determine what we’d like to achieve in the future. An actionable plan for expanding your life.

Step 1 | What fills your cup?

What things makes you happy, brings you joy?

This could include:

  • What you love / enjoy?
  • What relieves stress / anxiety?
  • What you do purely for fun / entertainment
  • What makes you better, kinder, sharper?
  • What makes you laugh out loud?
  • What things you do that make life better?

Step 2 | What do you need to avoid?

What drains you, which you need to avoid or limit?

This could include:

  • What stresses you out?
  • What triggers you?
  • What creates unhealthy consequences?
  • What drains you?
  • What are the things you think you have to do but don’t want to?

Step 3 | What are new things you can do to fill your cup?

Want to pry yourself loose from the jaws of mediocrity and begin living the life that you were meant to live?

It’s time to make a commitment to trying new things and engaging fresh experiences that reinvigorate your life with energy and excitement.

This could include:

  • Bucket list items
  • New and improved self-care routines
  • Socialisation / networking events
  • Hobbies
  • Something you’ve always wanted to do

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GET STARTED NOW by identifying 3 – 5 things which you will add to your life and then put those it your diary right away. Schedule it done!

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DISCOVER the Dailygreatness Journals that move you from wishing to achieving. Set exciting goals. Focus on the positive. Be happier.

”Let your success be measured by how much fun you’re having.”