Today I’m going to share something quite personal because we’re involved in something very special. 

A little over two years ago my 3 daughters were born. 

Yes, you read that right. Triplets 😊

A seizure at 32 weeks resulted in an emergency caesarean and me ending up in a coma for a bit. 

5 weeks in the Neonatal Critical Care Unit (NCCU) and Special Care was an intense start to their lives and I will be forever grateful for the superior care we all received

The Mater is showcasing our journey to share the importance of funding and research in the NCCU at Mater. We’re helping to raise awareness. 

Read our full story:


Financial freedom could be just one ticket away – a $3.3 MILLION Guaranteed Life Changer! Not only does this spectacular prize package include this luxurious home, it comes with all the best toys to make the most of the dream Gold Coast lifestyle…

A little easier than building a property portfolio. Bhaa ha ha.

Much gratitude,

Leonie & the Wealthology Team